Thursday, April 17, 2008

Lilac Crowned Amazon

We have added a pair of Lilac Crowned Amazons to our flock. I love the Lilac Crowned Amazons. The Lilacs are 12 - 13 inches from their head to the tip of their tail. They are one of the smaller Amazons and one of the quietest. They are one of the best companion birds in the Amazon species because of their size and temperament.

It is fun to watch them take a bath in their water bowl. We give them a shower every other day. Sometimes they want more and will take a bath in their water bowl. We have a large dish that is kept on the bottom of their home but they don't use it for a bath.

They really seem to enjoy their vegetables, especially corn. Their favorite fruits are papaya and bananas. They pick the coconut out of their dry mixture and eat it first.

They make some calls in the morning to greet the sun and some in the evening to wish us all a good night. During the day they mostly whistle, mumble and occasionally talk to us. The most common things to say are 'what are you doing', 'yum', 'mornin', 'what', and 'hello'. They also sing, I am not sure what songs they are singing. I think they are making up their own songs.

They started working on their nest box yesterday. They have already chewed the hole bigger and started redecorating the inside.

This is Lavanda and Jose:

Lavanda and Jose our Lilac Crowned Amazons

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