Friday, April 25, 2008

Redheaded Amazon

The Mexican Redheaded Amazon is also known as the Green-Cheek Amazon or the Red Crown Amazon. We refer to them as the Redheads. We have found if we call it the Green Cheek people confuse it with the Green Cheek Conure. We acquired our pair of Redheads at the same time we got our Lilac Crowned Amazons. Their names are Lusi and Dezi.

The Redheads are from Mexico, they are most prevalent in the Northeastern part of Mexico. They are approximately 12 inches from the tip of their head to the tip of their tail. They are considered to be good talkers, they are well known for their whistling abilities and being playful and affectionate.

Our Redheads love to chew on anything and everything! I am going to try making them some new toys that have thicker pieces of wood. They go through their chew toys so quickly.

They did not eat fruit and vegetables when we first got them. They are now starting to eat them. They really like Kale and peppers. With persistence they will start eating more of the fruits and vegetables.

Here is a picture of our Redheads. Sorry about the quality, they are very camera shy and I can't seem to get a good picture of them. Lusi has a little patch that Dezi has plucked. Don’t worry they are not starving, their food dish is not empty. For some unknown reason they move the seed to one end of the dish.

Photograph of Lusi and Dezi Redheaded Amazons

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Lilac Crowned Amazon

We have added a pair of Lilac Crowned Amazons to our flock. I love the Lilac Crowned Amazons. The Lilacs are 12 - 13 inches from their head to the tip of their tail. They are one of the smaller Amazons and one of the quietest. They are one of the best companion birds in the Amazon species because of their size and temperament.

It is fun to watch them take a bath in their water bowl. We give them a shower every other day. Sometimes they want more and will take a bath in their water bowl. We have a large dish that is kept on the bottom of their home but they don't use it for a bath.

They really seem to enjoy their vegetables, especially corn. Their favorite fruits are papaya and bananas. They pick the coconut out of their dry mixture and eat it first.

They make some calls in the morning to greet the sun and some in the evening to wish us all a good night. During the day they mostly whistle, mumble and occasionally talk to us. The most common things to say are 'what are you doing', 'yum', 'mornin', 'what', and 'hello'. They also sing, I am not sure what songs they are singing. I think they are making up their own songs.

They started working on their nest box yesterday. They have already chewed the hole bigger and started redecorating the inside.

This is Lavanda and Jose:

Lavanda and Jose our Lilac Crowned Amazons

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

New babies and new flock members

Sorry it has been so long since I have been posted. Between updating the site, feeding babies and making a large addition to our flock I have been quite busy.

Here is a picture of the Green Cheek Conure babies I mentioned in my last post. This photograph was taken on March 3rd.
Cronus and Rheas babies

We have added Amazons to our flock. We have gotten a pair of Lilac Crowned, Mexican Redhead, Double Yellow Headed (DYH) and Yellow Naped. I will post some pictures of them over the next few days. We have also added 4 pair of Conures. We now have new pairs of Cinnamon, Yellow Sided, Turquoise and Normal Conures. I will post some pictures of them over the next few days.

The Amazons are wonderful! I had an Amazon when I was a young girl and it broke my heart when we left Brazil and I couldn't bring him to the USA. I said I would never have another Amazon. It took 30 plus years for my broken heart to heal and some prodding from my friends to convince me to get some Amazons. I jumped in with both feet! We have set up a temporary room for the Amazons. They will be moving into a larger room in a few months. We are building an addition to our house for our Cockatiel breeders in June/July.

We have quite a few new baby Cockatiels. There are 14 in the nest boxes that are less than 3 weeks old, 18 that are weaned and ready to find forever homes, 6 that are still being weaned.

I am still working on the playpen cam. I am not sure what I am doing wrong but I can't get it to show on the net. I have gotten it to work on Yahoo's webcam, but for some reason I can't get it to work on the site. I will keep trying different things so that everyone can see the babies playing, growing and watch their antics.

Today the birds had broccoli and peas. They love broccoli, I am thinking about trying to grow it.